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Submit Your Suggestions for Work Centers
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Created by Mercedes Green
Created on Dec 21, 2022

Users need to customize the widgets and applications

From an admin side, we need the ability to remove products we do not use or are licensed for to avoid user confusion (for example we do use HR Management in HFF but not Spectrum so seeing that would confuse our users).

From a user standpoint, they need to be able to customize which widgets appear where so it's prioritized to them. For example, some users may not have ProjectSight and some use VP Team or some want the Analytics first etc.

Company SKYGRiD Construction Inc.
Job Title / Role Director, IT
I need it... 3 months
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    Heather Smith
    Jan 27, 2023

    We absolutely understand, agree and are hard at work on making it possible for everyone to customize their dashboards. Coming very soon - !